Sunday, April 1, 2012

[1st episode] Uchuu Kyoudai

I am truly sorry. Internship had an effect I didn't expect. Mainly, internship being an office job, after having spent my day in front of a computer I don't want to see mine anymore.
And here comes the silence in my blog. But I'll try to do my best changing this. After all, I do write articles, at work, and then don't have the energy to care of the blog. Quite the paradox.
(Also, Oreimo is getting a second season and I'm fucking happy!)

Anyway, let's start by the first anime of the Spring Season 2012 and also my favorite of the 3 I have watched today, mainly, Uchuu Kyoudai!
Uchuu Kyoudai, also named Space Bros, is the story of two brothers who swore to go into space when they were younger. One of them is about to set off to the moon, but for the other, shit happened and well, he did something else. But one day, he got fired.

I don't know if you remember but I didn't want to watch this at first, which would have been a great idea since, obviously, I have already added no less than 3 anime that weren't planned on my watch list. But, if there's one I know I won't regret it's that one.
Because first there's Hiroaki Hirata as Mutta and damn, Mutta is like Kotetsu in so many ways it's just perfect. (And yeah it's because of him I watched, obviously again)

Aside from that simple fact, the character himself is funny. He made me feel like giving him a hug pretty much all the time, and then made me laugh and I ended the anime weeping and crying just like he was doing. That was adorable. The whole anime is adorable.

I honestly thought it'd be a bit boring, or at least, maybe not that interesting, I was wrong. The story doesn't seem like it'll be action packed or anything but I'm curious as to how it'll develop, if Mutta will manage to realize his dream, what role will play Hibito, if they'll stay good friends like that.

And I loved how the introduction was basically setting things into our reality. It made him sound true. The characters sound true too. To sum it up and I'm probably biased, this was awesome.

I'll leave you with an important piece of advice, "Kids, don't headbutt your superior"