Tuesday, December 13, 2011

12 Days of Christmas - The Blogging World

I am jumping on the bandwagon and thought I'd be doing this kind of meme thing named 12 Days of Christmas, in which I'm basically listing 12 thing pertaining to anime that I want to remember.

The first one definitely have to be YOU. Yes, YOU, YOU who're reading this lame corner of the internet (not that you're very numerous but that makes you all the more precious to me)

And even if you're not reading this I love you anyway. Because even if we're all different and have different tastes when it comes to specifcs we all love the same thing in the end. We all enjoy talking about it. We all enjoy reading about it and discussing about it and a lot of different and wide subjects more or less related to anime.

This year has been quite important for me in terms of blogging as I have finally found readers (I say it everytime I touch on the topic but I suck so bad at promoting it's not even funny) and the kind of blog I want to have, as well as blogs I like to read and other authors I like to interact with.
It has felt like a new beginning, in more ways than one, in real life too, when I'm asked to reflect on the year spent I realize that, for me, nothing big happened, just an accumulation of small steps and I think that it makes it, as a whole, even more amazing.

So yeah thanks for being awesome everyone! Thanks for taking the time to read, thanks for taking the time to comment and thanks for keeping on updating your blogs, please continue!