I don't know for you but I always, always, hate the end of an anime season. It doesn't even need to be a good season but for some reason I always find it really depressing and, even if I'm not doing episodic reviews, I find it hard to write.
You see Mio? That's my state currently, and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone because the whole blogosphere (or at least the blogs I subscribe to) are in the same state.
I'm positive most people are busy with hollidays and such and that's why a lot of people are silent but, I, I do nothing for Christmas, for me it's just a day like any other.
I wanted to use the opportunity to have a few articles ready in case I'm hit by a writer's block, but nope, all I did on Christmas Eve is play an online otoge my anime date kindly provided so I wouldn't feel lonely (first time ever I'm playing an otoge, it's so ridiculous it becomes interesting) and write ... fanfics.
I can't even watch anime, all I painfully manage is to watch one or two episodes per day, when I know I won't have this much free time in a long time.
All I want now is for the next season to start, so I can feel excited about something. And hopefully find more inspiration to write.
I have successfully completed the challenge! *applauses*
That being said, it was indeed challenging but, even if some posts were really short, also a good lesson that I am still able to find a different subject to talk about everyday.
In the end, it's still a bit early but we're mostly celebratin Christmas Eve at my place (and it's already the 25 in some countries anyway, yeah, I love timezones only when it's convenient) I wanted to wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Have cute mascots to celebrate! (I admit the second has nothing to do with anime but I find these ads hilarious. And French.)
If there's one thing I have realized on my journey in the anime-verse, it's the importance of the fandom, I'm not going to say it's always a happy and welcoming place (No.6 fujoshi fandom I'm looking at you!) but I can't help but appreciate to see so many different people coming together in one place doing one thing.
2011 was really fun in terms of fandom events.
First came Nopy's my History with anime project which helped me discover quite a few interesting anime blogs that I still follow to this day.
Next came Kidd's Ani-bloggers Choice Anime Award which has been quite a challenge to take part to but also very interesting.
And I won't even start on all the numerous Tiger&Bunny related projects I was crazy enough to join and sometimes made me feel like an hopeless creepy otaku (you know, the kind that celebrates a character's birthday by taking pictures of food in front of a picture of said character, yeah I did that) and not even regret it.
That being said, the last event was to design a Christmas memorial pin in Tiger&Bunny's style. Which I did. Obviously.
You probably wondered when the hell I'll start talking about my favorite anime of the year, and probably favorite anime for a long, long time and this time is now! So, have a whole post entirely dedicated to this wonderful anime that is Tiger&Bunny.
I've been under the impression I was a little bit alone in my endless spazzing over this in the anime blogosphere, and I can understand that. I didn't want to start watching it either. Not everyone can like what I like and I have to admit the first few episodes are rather dull when compared to what's next.
However, what's next is wonderful. I already said it but it can't hurt to say it again, I stopped counting how many times I cried and laughed at that. How many theories I made. How many people I met. How surprised I was by the performances of the seiyuu, by the quality of the writing and by how realistic they all felt.
It's the kind of anime that grows on you before you even realize it and in the end, you don't regret it the slightest bit.
I love music in general, however, it seems I have rather peculiar tastes and it really is incredible for me to like an OP or an ED or an insert song or well, J-music.
Which is why I was incredibly surprised when I came accross Kalafina. They quickly became one of my favorite band ever, I love the diversity of their songs, the music and their voices.
2011 was the year of the release of their new album After Eden.
Seems like these 12 days of Christmas will end up covering all of my favorite anime of the years. Hey, that's an easy topic, what else would you expect? It's been quite long since I forced myself to write daily blog posts after all.
So yeah, as you may suppose I loved Steins;Gate, after all, it did rank second in my ACAA post and it'll probably stay one of my favorite anime of all time and Okarin one of the most awesome character I have ever come accross. Now, unfortunately I have already talked about Steins;Gate in length. Several times. And I don't really know what more to add aside that the simple fact it's awesome and you should watch it.
For nostalgia (yeah already) sake, have the OP! (Well hopefully it won't stay nostalgia that much longer because of that planned movie, it's just wishful thinking though, god knows when it'll be out. As long as it does come out I won't mind the wait!)
Of course you all remember the Great Tohoku Earthquake and the tsunami that followed and spread over all Asia back in March 11th.
And, as much as I'd like to personnally offer my sympathy to people who lost a loved one I can't, and saying it here won't achieve anything, so, what I wanted to focus on and express my admiration for what the community did to help.
HEREis a book put together by mostly French artists and sold for charity. The LJ fandom community put together auctions. Good Smile released a special Nendoroid.
Guess that one of my favorite anime ever has a place in this 12 days of Christmas series that can't even be called a series since there's no sign of continuity.
Maybe next year I'll actually plan things before starting and have a vague idea of where I'm going instead of making things up as I go.
Anyway, the reason why Natsume has a place here is because its third season aired this year and that the fourth one is starting next season. It's rare for an anime to do well enough to have 4 seasons, even rarer to have enough material to make these 4 seasons, especially considering the manga chapters are released every two months. (Now please make me a fourth of Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei too!)
I'm having an additional reason as to why Natsume Yuujinchou should be highlighted in this period of the year, it's sweet. Sweet, adorable and heartwarming. Isn't it well needed?
I'm pretty sure you've all wondered at some point what the hell was so great about being a fujoshi (a decent one, because, well, every group of people has its idiots, thankfully I now know how to avoid them) so I'll tell you what I find great about it.
As usual, my opinions are mine alone, and the usual warnings apply etc etc.
- The love : Believe it or not but the fujoshi world is overflowing with love, well, that's kind of the point, after all it's not called boy's love for nothing. But that's not exactly the path where I want to go, what I really wanted to say is that most of my anime friends are fujoshi, were fujoshi, even before I went down the same path, you want to know why? Because we like the same things. It may seems shallow and it obviously doesn't always work that easily but, making a friend in the fujoshi world is easy. It goes like "OMG you like that too?" "Yes I love it, let's be friends!" and from there it develops quite easily compared to what I experienced before.
- The fanwork : It's emulating and inspiring being in the middle of people who writes or draws constantly.
- The porn : Well, obviously XD No, more seriously, when you're a girl who loves porn in the first place, it's really hard to find people who are able to accept it without judging you. You don't usually casually bring up in a conversation the last porn videos you have watched right? At least, not with everyone. That's the same, when you're among fujoshi you know it's ok to talk about those things.
- The acceptance : While there are general disagreements since different human beings have different opinions I think I can safely say the community is generally pretty accepting. Where you come from, what you do, what kind of sexuality you have or anything doesn't matter, you are who you are and that's OK.
After all, it'd be a shame if we started to judge each other, we're already prejudiced enough as it is.
While Wordpress snows, Blogger doesn't (not that I mind since, after all, most of the time you don't even see the snow on Wordpress blogs since most of them are white)
That being said, changing banners is something one should do from time to time. Coincidentally, I like doing that, which is why, I thought I should change it in the course of these 12 days of Christmas thing, it's supposed to accompany us on the way to Christmas right? Changing a blog theme to fit the hollidays does accompany you to Christmas right? So, what's better than a Christmas themed anime banner?
New edition of the 12 days of Christmas that might end up being more or less than 12 because I don't know how my inspiration will follow me and more importantly, IF it will follow me through 12 days, or more.
Oh well, let's enjoy it while it lasts.
I was genuinely not going to do actually that many Christmas themed post but I don't seem to be able to escape it so, today's topic is going to ask you to be a little imaginative, I'll be taking my top 6 shows of my ACAA post, try to imagine how their characters would spend Christmas and would love it if you shared your opinions with me!
Working!! : Yamada would insist on spending it with her "family", cry when her wish was crushed by Takanashi, be comforted by the girls who would find it's a good idea, the manager will join because Christmas = food, Satou would join because Todoroki, Takanashi would finally accept because Taneshima, Souma can never miss any occasion to find more blackmail material, and then they'll celebrate together after the closure of the restaurant!
And I think it would be adorable.
Level E : I can totally expect Baka Ouji to bring a carnivorous Christmas tree to Earth. And then going all "But I thought you celebrated Christmas with trees" with his innocent eyes.
Something like that.
Fate/Zero : Iskandar would bring on himself to invite everyone to celebrate, it'll end up exactly like last week episode, they'd all argue and try to kill each other.
Natsume Yuujinchou : His friends would invite Natsume but he'd feel bad about leaving the Fujiwara alone but they'd tell him to go so he would, or he'd invite everyone at home.
I don't think I have ever read a Christmas Natsume chapter, nor a New Year one. I want to, it'd be cute.
Steins;Gate : I am firmly convinced Okarin would start by planning a little party with the labs member but would end up inviting everyone he meets (or nearly) the lab would quickly become too small and they'd end up at Feyris' place because of course Daru would want to go there anyway.
Tiger&Bunny : Since of course Bunny doesn't like Christmas, Kotetsu would want to help him forget and since he of course would want to see his daughter at least for Christmas he'd bring Bunny forcefully back home with him.
And of course before leaving Nathan would insist on throwing a big party with everyone, obviously disrupted because they can't party properly.
Or they'd have to take part in a HeroTV special. Or both.
Well, as obviously these are only my headcanons, you're free to disagree. But I had fun writing them and that's all that matters. (The fanfic writer that hasn't written fanfics in 6 months is talking ^^)
As of when this will be posted Gintama hasn't any Christmas episode for this year yet, however, it has provided its fair share of Christmas episodes as it went on for 4 years before re-starting earlier in 2011.
In the beginning of 2011, when I heard it would come back after a few years hiatus, I hurried to catch up on the 150 episodes I had to catch up on. Gintama is special to me, Gintama is one of the first anime I have downloaded back in the days it was only 100 episodes long, for some reasons (read : the team translated from English subtitles to French and it was just bad translation) I stopped watching halfway, always telling myself I'll continue at some point. (Read : when my English level would be sufficient to accurately follow the jokes. Now I can even somehow, maybe, follow some of them in Japanese, it was about time I pick it up again)
And thus I finished the first season before the start of the second. And, so far, that second season hasn't disappointed the slightest bit.
All I can say now is that I'm eagerly waiting for Gintama's Christmas episode, as it is always hilarious. And I'm recommending it to you. While the jokes may be sometimes trash, while the tone might sometimes be serious, a friend of mine told me she wanted to become like Gin and I think there are much worse heroes than him in the world.
Children, don't celebrate Christmas that way at home though!
I am jumping on the bandwagon and thought I'd be doing this kind of meme thing named 12 Days of Christmas, in which I'm basically listing 12 thing pertaining to anime that I want to remember.
The first one definitely have to be YOU. Yes, YOU, YOU who're reading this lame corner of the internet (not that you're very numerous but that makes you all the more precious to me)
And even if you're not reading this I love you anyway. Because even if we're all different and have different tastes when it comes to specifcs we all love the same thing in the end. We all enjoy talking about it. We all enjoy reading about it and discussing about it and a lot of different and wide subjects more or less related to anime.
This year has been quite important for me in terms of blogging as I have finally found readers (I say it everytime I touch on the topic but I suck so bad at promoting it's not even funny) and the kind of blog I want to have, as well as blogs I like to read and other authors I like to interact with.
It has felt like a new beginning, in more ways than one, in real life too, when I'm asked to reflect on the year spent I realize that, for me, nothing big happened, just an accumulation of small steps and I think that it makes it, as a whole, even more amazing.
So yeah thanks for being awesome everyone! Thanks for taking the time to read, thanks for taking the time to comment and thanks for keeping on updating your blogs, please continue!
How can I resist joining a project hosted by someone who calls me his favourite fujoshi, there's no way I can right? I urge you all to go checkKidd's AniBloggers Choice Anime Award post for further informations on how to join and to just do it! (He said I was his favorite fujoshi after all, KYAAA *cough*)
And this is why I present you with my own list of 12 anime, movies and OVAs that marked, for me, the year 2011. Probably ranked. Or not. It's always pretty hard to rank things.
Damn do I have the feeling I'll be quite alone in some of my choices.
12) KamiNomi II (Spring)
Because this is probably the only harem anime I genuinely like. I don't usually like the genre and get bored pretty soon. It didn't happen. Not only that but the second season was much more enjoyable than the first.
11) Mawaru Penguindrum (Summer)
Only reason as to why it is so low in the ranking is that it's not finished, and, knowing the kind of anime it is, it can take a turn to have a disappointing ending pretty quickly. Even the risk exists, at least it was a very fun ride.
10) Usagi Drop (Summer)
Heartwarming and adorable piece of fluffy feelings. And realistic. And pretty.
09) Yondemasu yo Azazel-san (Spring)
I think more people should give a chance to that very short (one episode is only 10 minute) anime, it's totally nuts, crazy and over the top in every way (and a bit trash too, considering the favorite "food" of one of the main character).
08) Hellsing Ultimate 8 (Summer)
It did something very difficult, making me cry for the death of a character. At least one character dies per episode you think I'd be used to it by now but nope, that one was horrible. Beautiful in a very sick way, but horrible. (Yes that's the only thing I remember about the episode, I'm not even ashamed of it. At all.)
And, since I'm talking about it, every character voiced by a seiyuu I really like die in that series. I'm glad he lasted that long.
07) Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica (Winter)
Because I didn't think they'd dare to behead Mami. And because Kyubey is adorable. And because I really liked the story and the visuals and the music. (I didn't quite like Madoka the character but that's another story)
06) Level E (Winter)
That was hilarious. I love trolls. Especially alien trolls.
05) Working 2 (Spring)
This is the only reason you need :
04) Fate/Zero (Fall)
That's, for me, the second great surprise of the year. I'm not a fan of Fate/Stay Night. Not at all, so I didn't even consider watching this until I heard Yuki Kajiura was doing the music, and then I saw the first episode.
And I think I completely fell in love at the whole Sakura in the insect pool scene.
Anyway, I'm enjoying myself immensely while watching every episode and I just love the characters.
03) Natsume Yuujinchou San (Summer)
It's Natsume. It's adorable, peaceful and it has yokai.
02) Steins;Gate (Spring)
It took me off guard a bit too, it's something I heard about quite some times before it aired, so, as usual, I was a bit wary of the hype and expected nothing out of it, especially since I did see Chaos;Head before and thus assumed Steins;Gate had the same crazy themes and thus would be as hard to animate.
I was wrong, I'm glad I was wrong. Steins;Gate was amazing, I understood what they were talking about (since I'm not a scientist I'm sometimes lost, especially when it concerns time travel), I wasn't bored, even when re-doing the same days over and over, I loved the characters, felt sorry for them, supported them, didn't want them to die, wanted them to be happy. I loved the plot, I loved the surprises, the plot-twists, the romance. Everything.
01) Tiger&Bunny (Spring)
That is the first surprise of the list, I found no other interest in the first episode than the main character, I honestly thought the whole thing would be boring, hell, I wouldn't even be the slightest bit interested if Narita Ryogho didn't mention he was watching it on his Twitter. (Shallow, yes I know, though I can't really help to feel like I might be interested in something the guy who wrote Durarara!! likes ^^)
I expected some generic super hero show and it's exactly what I didn't get.
In the end I don't think I have cried more at any other show but this one, because I didn't relate to any characters more than I related to these two. (Crap, I outed myself as screwed up)
That's, I guess, part of the reason why I love it so much and obsess over it so much, but even speaking objectively the characters are really well written and realistically well written. Hell, even the seiyuu surprised me, upon seeing one of the main character was voiced by Morita Masakazu I sighed, thinking said character would be another fighting maniac without depth, I was wrong. Everyone else too was perfectly spot on and it showed me once again how perfect Tsuda Kenjiro is. If I had one complain to voice it'd be about the predictability of the story (because I honestly don't care much about the quality of the animation and saw worse anyway). But even with a predictable story it caught me in, and you had to actually think to predict it, I don't care much anymore at this point anyway, pretty much everything is predictable. (And I was wrong, I thought someone would die)
Still, the end of the series actually feel like a closure even if it's not, it leaves room for more thoughts and they keep on adding more depth to the universe. It's almost like an interactive story and I think it's great.
(Should probably stop before I write a novel about why I liked that anime ^^)
Suddenly I realized Un-Go was already at its Ninth episode and that in two weeks it'll be already finished. Where did my Fall go? (Granted, it doesn't feel like Winter at all yet but nevermind)
As such I thought it was about time to decide more or less about what I'll watch next season. (Instead of working on my Anime Blogger Choice Award post, damn procrastination ^^)
On my watch list for sure!
- Kyousougiga : In the hopes of finaly getting what it is all about I shall watch it.
- Black Rock Shooter : I liked the OVA and I'm curious about how they'll continue the story and how they'll balance the two worlds.
- Another : Horror story? Yes please!
- Nisemonogatari : Love Bakemonogatari a lot so I'll obviously watch this.
And they look like they're wearing a fried egg on the promo picture so ...
- Natsume Yuujinchou Shi : Well, it's Natsume Yuujinchou! <3
- Brave 10 : Sengoku Jidai is always a must. And I heard it had Kamiya so ...
Will at least check out (and probably end up watching anyway)
- Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou : Well, I usually trust Sunrise when it comes to adapting gag manga (*cough*Gintama*cough*) BUT I really don't want to see Kimi to Boku n°2 and Sunrise is either really good or painfully average so we'll see.
I think something's wrong. Usually my first list has at least 10 shows, I'm at 7, and I don't even know what's continuing.
Well, guess I won't have to feel guilty and suppress my urges to check more things when the season will start
It suddenly occured to me I'll probably have to put the blog on hiatus at some point during the year again, got another internship, a long one, yesterday. But that one is much further away than the one I'll do before, and they said they can lend me a small room for free, alternatively, I have family living there too, and even if I have access to the internet I don't know if I'll have time to watch a lot of anime.
Anyway, it's for April so it's still a bit long before it happens and I'll see.
Hello there to the first article of a, I hope, long series of article about ... fujoshi. I'm pretty sure you all encountered them during your life in the anime/manga/game/whatever fandom, and I'm pretty sure some of you wonder what the hell is going on in their head.
(See me finally starting to clear my backlog of drafts ^^)
I shall bring responses! Or so I hope. Because, after all, it takes a fujoshi to know one.
Before I start, have a few warnings : obviously there will be questionnable content (I'll avoid putting questionnable images though, since it's harder to avoid than text), if anything seems offensive, it's not, if anything it's a fail attempt at humour and for that I apologize, and, obviously these are only my opinions and you shouldn't assume everyone thinks like me.
The world of the fujoshi revolves around yaoi. Of course there are differences (for example I only dabble in fanfictions and doujinishi and only have a very limited interest in the rest) but we all agree on one very important point : boy's love is interesting/hot/sexy/whatever.
Gender identification
One of the main defining point of the fujoshi is that the fujoshi is a girl. (If only because, technically, a boy would be called a fudanshi)
To be honest, most of the yaoi lovers out there are girls, there are a few men here and there (probably more lurking around the shadows) but the main crowd are girls.
Random facts
*The fujoshi's love is not always entirely directed on boy's love, a fushoji can love hentai and yuri just fine.
*Fujoshi's sexual life (or lack of) covers a really wide spectrum. No, they're not all lesbians or young and innocent maidens.
*Ages too cover a really wide spectrum.
*A fujoshi don't always enjoy the sexual part of yaoi, I have friends who're fujoshi and absolutely can't stand any graphic depiction of sex.
Actually, fujoshi are simply girls who enjoy yaoi. Any attempt to find any further common point to the whole group has been faced with failure.
I have apparently secured myself another 8 weeks internship, turning it into 11 weeks non stop from the end of March to the middle of June.
I'll be damn busy when the Spring season will start. -____-
I am currently facing a blogger's crisis, it's not even about the lack of inspiration, my problem is the lack of motivation. I have lots of posts drafted but don't feel like finishing any of them.
Since the last time this blogger posted she managed to secure herself a one month job and a three weeks internship and she can't help but wondering what the hell is wrong for things to go this well.
It's starting to get really cold, the weather makes it seem like it'll snow but it's still not snowing and it's depressing. I don't want to freeze to death if I don't get to see snow!
The news didn't quite sink into me yet but I'm pretty happy about it anyway! Even though it still hasn't sunk into me right now that we're getting two Tiger&Bunny movies.
Actually, I think my main problem is that the wait will be horrible. We're talking about one year MINIMUM.
Oh well, I'm patient!
(I'll probably make another post on its own when I'll realize it for real ^^)
As I struggle, like I do every other day in my life, to make myself understood by the people around me (strangely enough, only the people in the internet, to whom I speak mostly, ironically, in a foreign language, seem to understand what I mean), Penguindrum continues to build its story pretty much flawlessly (Though I reserve my judgment for the last episode ^^)
Not so strangely, this episode doesn't solve anything at all, again, and no further clue is given about the Penguindrum, or the diary. As expected.
What it gives on the other hand is an insight on Tabuki's past. Obviously he has had a traumatizing past. Obviously Momoka saved him.
I was surprised about the backstory of his fngers and a bit disappointed it wasn't as I thought and he sacrificed them for the sake of making the diary predictions come true.
To be honest, I don't really know what to say about this episode, in the end, nothing really "important" happened, it was mostly an excuse to make a Tabuki episode.
There are still a few noticeable things in that episode.
- Yuri's tormentor was her father. Tabuki's one was his mother. I find that somewhat interesting.
- Kanba's badass. We still don't know what these men in black are but Kanba's badass!
- Only Himari's penguin seems to be somehow useful. Kanba's apparently think he should prioritize hiding his porn magazines over helping. On the other hand, Kanba always helps his penguin and I find that really adorable.
- Shoma is useless. When called for help he comes late and all he can do instead of taking everyone to the hospital is hug them. But it was pretty beautiful. (Especially since they're not all related)
(And last but not least, the endcard was beautiful and now I have found both of Lily Hoshino's Twitter accounts I can stalk all I want <3 And rejoice whenever she posts a fanart <3)
I have completed my, technically, third re-watch of Tiger&Bunny. I still get teary quite often but still significantly less. Which is yet another proof that the writer of this thing may be godly.
Anyway, the crazy watchlist after the cut!
Pyro posted a blog post about her fandom bias, the small facts that can transform a show you're not interested in at all into a must watch.
She talked about hers and asked about ours, it actually made me think a lot so that post will be my answer.
The only problem is : I'm pretty sure I am forgetting things but it will have to do.
- Seiyuu
A good seiyuu cast can hold me through the most boring of shows. Almost. (Well, there are things that are beyond saving, even with my favorite seiyuu)
It did get me through Uraboku, which is everything but good, and on the other hand my fascination for people like Kamiya Hiroshi is the thing that made me start Angel Beats for example.
As such, it has good and bad sides.
- Yakuza
Sadly, this is the bias that is always, always used against me to make me read BL manga.
On the other hand, it made me discover stuff like Gokusen which I would NEVER have checked otherwise and became my favorite drama of all time (since both the manga and the anime version suffer from horrific art)
- Yuki Kajiura (and a few other composers)
In an anime I am very sensible to music and I can tell Yuki Kajiura or people like Sawano Hiroyuki are the composers as soon as I hear their music in an anime, a great soundtrack helps me finding the show enjoyable.
And if it wasn't for Yuki Kajiura I would never have checked Madoka or Fate/Zero.
- Sengoku Jidai
Rather than Sengoku Jidai I have developed over the years a soft spot for Akechi Mitsuhide, probably one of the less likeable warlord of the era and I feel obligated to watch every single anime featuring Sengoku Jidai in the hopes of seeing him.
And you have to admit the era has a lot of potential, in terms of battles, in terms of interesting politics and in terms of colorful characters.
- Narita Ryogho
I like this man and how he writes and how good and faithful the anime adapted from his works are. I'd watch anything if he's somehow involved. I'd watch anything if I know he's watching it as well. (Wouldn't have tried Tiger&Bunny if it wasn't for him, I'm forever grateful. And he's watching Fate/Zero and seeing him stay up so late to fanboy about it is adorable. I love Twitter) (AND I WANT A SECOND SEASON OF DURARARA!!) (AND ANOTHER ONE OF BACCANO!) (AND FOR HIS OTHER BOOKS TO BE ANIMATED!)
- Psychopaths
You probably already have noticed my love for, well, rather questionnable characters. Tell me there's one in something and I'm watching whatever you were recommending.
I don't even have that many. I thought I'd come to find many more considering the amount of stuff I watch. Oh well, guess I'll just blame curiosity.
Anyway, I'll ask the same question she did back in the days (because that post slept for quite some times in my drafts), what are YOUR fandom bias?
One day I'll make a post about what's good in re-watching some anime. Because I'm currently re-watching Tiger&Bunny and can't stop discovering new things.
After having spent the last 22 years free of any broken bones I had to go and break ... my pinky. Don't laugh, I know full well how ridiculous the whole situation is.
Beside, it's not like I should complain, there's much worse happening ...
But, back to the topic at hands. Let's start to make theories shall we?
The Takakura
It's not like I have much to say on the subject this week. Just that we're once again kindly reminded of the fact that things may not be as they seem and it would take just a little push for everything to fall apart. Quite sad.
Second thing I have to note is how worried for the brothers I am. Strangely enough, I'm not at all worried for Himari, but the brothers are a completely different matter.
The evil couple
As we all thought, they're not really married because they love each other, mostly because they hate the same thing, mainly, the Takakura. And Tabuki isn't as nice as he seems to be. Quite obviously again. For that I'm not surprised.
At the same time, and surrounding them and Momoka, they introduced the concept of truth in this episode, and I think that's quite interesting.
I don't know what they really intended by mentionning that tidbit of information about Momoka being maybe not dead and then going on about truth, but I'm looking forward to the explanations (if explanations there will be)
Were other people noting the similarities between that episode and the whole flashback about Yuri? Did you notice they were building a strang tower? I'm almost ready to assume the elevator ride is going to Yuri's old appartment.
Fate is a circle, the place where ultimately everything started for Yuri is the place she has to finish everything. I still wonder where Tabuki stands in that thought.
The Penguindrum.
And the secret has been revealed, quite obviously again, the diary is not the Penguindrum! Even though she didn't say it clearly, I think it's safe to assume the Penguindrum isn't the diary. But I still do think the diary is necessary to create an alternative to the current Penguindrum.
Because in my theory the Penguindrum is Shoma.
Which would make the most sense if you think about it. Remember, the Takakura mother only gave birth to ONE kid. In this episode Kanba said he couldn't when Boshi-sama mentionned who/what was the Penguindrum and I think he meant he couldn't sacrifice Shoma as long as there is an alternative to save Himari.
Which could also mean that, it's all Momoka's fault and that her Project M actually succeeded and that Shoma is the result.
While I don't usually do these celebration posts, aside from the New Year, since well, I think the New Year is important everywhere in the world, and if I really wanted to do it I'd have to celebrate every single special day in the world, only to be fair, it appears Halloween is special.
Mostly because it's a fun celebration and because I'm totally not going to do a celebratory post for Halloween.
(On the other hand, I am going to post an Halloween anime selection tomorrow over at Organization ASG)
What I was trying to post about is a reminder that Tiger&Bunny is great and that you should all watch it. As well as the very useless information today is Barnaby's birthday and that he deserves to be wished a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
And also that I love the fans, I love the fandom, I love fucking everyone and I LOVESTERNBILD
Now that I've totally outed myself as a creepy fangirl, I shall leave and rewatch Tiger&Bunny to celebrate.
Trying to wrap my head around the fact that I may not post a Penguindrum impression this week because said Penguindrum was probably the less impressive episode since the serie started I decided I'll post about Guilty Crown instead.
Because posting about Guilty Crown is making fun of every possible aspect of the episode.
Help me, an idol's living in my appartment.
Talking about Guilty Crown is talking about the two main characters, obviously. It has been established that Inori "looks exactly like a doll". But that's because she has as much personality as a dead frog.
It would also appear, judging from the wonderful dialogue she had with Shu in his appartment that she is only able to perform basic animal functions, mainly, feed, fight and probably fuck. (I know there is no clear evidence for the last aspect but when you tell someone you just met "Use me I'm yours, you are obviously inclined to think that way)
As for Shu, his precious feelings must be protected. He's a poor high school student after all, can't he be happy about anything? Can't he stop worrying for a bit? I mean, he probably cannot help it but his mood swings are annoying, he's all courageous for a second, then change his mind and goes back to be a scaredy cat.
Help me, I'm fabulous.
This, was probably the highlight of the episode, because Gai, who just broadcast an announcement about the existence of Funeral Parlor and who's probably the most wanted criminal at the moment goes around, meet a high schooler whom I wouldn't trust and is probably having meetings with important people or he wouldn't wear that kind of clothes (As noted by Shu in this very insightful piece of dialogue "Thanks for coming." "You have great clothes")
Which puts even more emphasis on the fact that, even if he's fabulous, I don't understand how this character thinks, I don't see the logic behind his actions. At all.
I do understand why he warned Shu though, after all he has more to loose than him and he might have thought it would bring Shu to his side.
Help me, my best-friend tried to kill me.
Since he was warned by Gai who possess the mysterious power of seeing people's Voids without physical contact (I still don't quite understand how the hell this works, even with the rules laid before my eyes) Shu embarks on a journey to find the mysterious student who saw him on that fated day.
On the road to a shocking truth he finds people whith hearts shaped (because that's apparently what a Void is) like a vase, pliers or a fridge. And the only thing he finds relevant to be surprised about is that Inori's is a sword. He saw weirder.
Anyway, much to everyone surprise, actually it was so obvious I thought they couldn't have done it on purpose and almost didn't believe it, the guy who saw them is one of his bestfriend, whatever his name was.
And, as the anime was about to close on a very sweet moment "I felt like I've met him for the first time", said best friend pushes him in the arms of the very bad guy who apparently likes to torture people and ... somewhat acquainted with Shu's mother who works for the bad guys too. Life sure is a bitch isn't it?
And as a conclusion, everything felt forced and I have to say that the only good thing of the episode (aside from Gai being fabulous) is Miwa Shirow's Inori.
Looking for internships in the middle of nowhere is hard you know? Well you can probably imagine.
That being said, I just realized there's a convention near my place next month, will try to go.
Driven by my hope of finally learning Yuri's secret and, well, learning something, anything really, I jumped right into this week's episode of Mawaru Penguindrum. What I got is, once again, more theories and fail French, which got me wondering, did you understand it?
She is once again the Queen of the episode, to the point I start to be a bit sick of her, but nevermind, she's more interesting than I thought.
To start with, I don't quite understand her logic. She wants to revive Momoka, that much is easily understandable, but how?
Why trying to rape Ringo and then not go through with it when she could? Is she trying to get Momoka's spirit to possess Ringo? How does she intend on reviving Momoka in the first place?
Well whatever, to me, this part of the anime lacks some necessary logic.
As for her father, I guess I'll start by saying the obvious : he's a psychopath. He has all the symptoms, the lack of strong emotions, the abuse, the egocentrism, the anti-social behaviour.
I am not really sure about what exactly he did to Yuri, I am wondering about exactly he did to her body (though, if the incredible amounts of phallic objects is relevant, well, he probably raped her), but he obviously messed up with her mind.
And last but not least, whether she's a boy or not, who knows? Yuri is both a girl's and a boy's name in the first place. Also, judging from her father's apparent obsession for ancient greek style art and how Greeks viewed homosexual love as purer than straight (because it's not tainted by the need of breeding) then it's totally possible he wanted to turn her into a boy.
The Takakura
I wanted to skip the section for today but I wanted to say how cute Shoma's love for Ringo was and how adorable the two idols were with their gifts.
Though it makes me wonder more and more about their relationships and how it's relevant to the plot. Just like it makes me wonder more and more about who Sanetoshi really is and his motives.
I'm still convinced he's in love with Himari/Boshi-sama though.
The diary, Momoka and Tabuki
I bet you wonder why Tabuki is interesting as far as this episode is concerned since he didn't appears. That's exactly why.
Exactly, Tabuki wasn't there, he was supposed to be there, didn't he go to school with Momoka? And if he went there with her in the mornings then why didn't he go home with her at night too?
Where the hell is he?
In any case, hello there Momoka, glad to know you and your pink hair, very natural colour indeed. She somehow reminded me of Haruhi except that Momoka knows she has the power to change the world.
She was the first owner of the diary of Fate, which has the power, not of predicting the future but of changing it and such power comes with a price, so, who did she make disappear/appear for her to loose her life?
I first thought about saving Tabuki's life, but, she nearly died for saving Yuri (and making a building and a person disappear) there's no way she was going to completely die for saving Tabuki, the scale is not as big. So, what has she done? And if she had that power, why didn't she prevent the attack in the subway? Is there another Penguindrum/diary that could have countered her?
Which leads to the next question, is it possible for the Takakura parents' disappearance to be caused by a diary? Could it be Tabuki's doing? He had the diary. He had the injuries. He obviously used it, so, is he the one who wrote everything Ringo was religiously following? Because he loved Momoka, and he wanted to have her back, thus trying to turn Ringo into her dead sister by using his knowledge to his advantage?
In the end and once again all I have is even more questions than when I started. Great Penguindrum. Really great.
As I have finally gotten my hands on everything I wanted to watch (except Coppelion but I shall assume the project is dead or delayed) have the final recap of what I'm going to watch and how much I love them! (or not) (Truth be told, I find myself hardly captivated by anything, it'll thus be a matter of what I don't dislike as much as the others. And the reason why I watch so many? Hope I'll find something amazing. I'm hopeless.)
THE top 3 favorite (a.k.a. watch if you want to live)
3 - Un-Go
A detective story that seems good (it didn't even bother me to figure out who the culprit was before the crime was actually comitted, mark the date!) and surnatural put together. It's like Yondemasuyo Azazel-san the serious version.
2 - Fate/Zero
It came as a surprise since I didn't like Fate/Stay Night that much but this is really enjoyable, I finally figured out what Noble Phantasms were and what it was all about. It's also very creepy and characters are somehow deeper and more interesting than in the sequel.
1 - Working 2
Their antics never cease to amuse me and the more I see Yamada the happier I am.
The guilty pleasure(s) (a.k.a. Don't judge me but these are so bad they're addictive)
- Sekaiichi Hatsukoi 2
As much as Onodera deserves to die a painful death, he somehow manages to amuse me. It's a very bad BL and a very good comedy. (Actually, the kiss scenes are the funniest)
- Ben-To
The more I facepalm at the stupidity of the show, the more I seem to enjoy it. Go figure.
It could have made it to the top 3 but ... (a.k.a. I'd like to discuss these with you but it's OK if you're not into it)
- Last Exile etc
Seems like a good fantasy anime, in the same vein as Fractale, I hope the end will be better though.
- Persona 4
The second episode bore me to death. I don't really understand what happened there but yeah, as much as I loved the first episode the second was a bit boring.
- Bakuman 2
As much as I love it, I know the manga nearly by heart, and the anime is really heavier on the love stuff, I'm not much of a fan of love stories.
- Mirai Nikki
Same as above. I've finished the manga and I know everything that'll happen, which makes me look forward to the love stories (yeah, miracle happens)
- Tamayura Hitotose
It has the big drawback of being a slice of life, a genre I don't particulary affectionate and that needs to be perfectly done for me to like, so I'll stay forever wary.
- Guilty Crown
Still wondering how they'll make things work from now on. I hope their writers are good.
- Phi Brain
It has good moments but also boring ones and somehow feels ridiculous. But I like Gallileo!
- Gundam AGE
It was less boring than UC but less awesome than 00.
I don't even know why I'm watching this (a.k.a. no but seriously, I don't) - Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
It is a harem anime. And the second episode was boring. Sadly. But the characters are itneresting.
- Chihayafuru
I don't like love stories damnit.
- HunterxHunter
I fail to see anything worth mentionning, it's entertaining at least?
- Kimi to Boku
I count the cats instead of focusing on the anime, slice of life done wrong. (Though it is better with the new character)
Dropped (a.k.a. Damn, I am less masochistic than I thought) - Horizon
I can't look at this anymore, it hurts.
Harem anime done wrong, it had lots of guys in the cast too, why not use them more? It would have been much better.
To be honest, the only thing worth anything at all in the anime is the very first minute. (Concumber anyone? /shot)
17 this season.
With continuations from before I'm now following 22 anime. Help?
It feels quite strange to write this that late, but hey, life happens?
And in the end, the episode wasn't even that shocking/interesting/full of revelations. Well it didn't make my head go as crazy as it did the past weeks.
Anyway, I have a few, very few points to explore. First, for once, Lily Hoshino's illustration didn't make me imagine things. It was all drawn by her. (I had no idea she could do yuri that well <3)
But aside from this and more seriously.
While I was pretty sure she had an hidden agenda, I didn't think it was this twisted.
From the beginning of the episode I am now convinced she is a man.
I thought for a good half of the episode that she was in fact Momoka but no, she's/was just in love with her, in a very very Ringo-like fashion on top of that.
On the other hand I understand where it comes from, more than I understood Ringo's stalker tendancies.
I now wonder two very interesting things :
- Will Shoma save Ringo? (Or someone else? Tabuki? Masako in her mission to fetch the diary?) Because as much as my perverted side wants to see it there's no way they'll make the story goes toward this route.
- Did she consume her marriage with Tabuki? If they didn't , well, Tabuki is even more suspicious than I thought. But if they did I am curious of her reaction to her "true self".
The Takakura.
*Shoma and Ringo were adorable. The more it goes the sadder I feel for them, obviously they'd be outcasted and avoided by everyone. And now Shoma finally found an outsider he actually cared for (more like : was forced to care for) he had to realize his parents killed her sister and obviously he can't imagine she'd really want to stay his friend.
Their fate is sad.
*Himari finally finished the scarves and, well, the two idols were wearing scarves of their color in the last ED, I kinda knew it.
On the other hand, the more it goes the more I think there's something else between her and Sanetoshi. He looked overjoyed to have them, and who else would be more than a lover?
*Kanba is really really involved with shady people. Masako was incredibly sexy.
And Kanba on the other hand is everything but a gentleman when it comes to his sister sake, he even hit a girl.
That part in the train convinced me there are more than one organization involved, the guys giving the money to Kanba aren't the ones who gave Masako her weapon, she'd have no reason to try killing them otherwise.
It's interesting how you always can tell whenever there's a a big convention somewhere in the US. Subs are always a bit late.
I don't complain though, was busy today anyway and usually Saturdays always come bearing one single show (and it's Sekaiichi ^^), I'll have a bit more things to watch tomorrow!
Anyway, I was trying to talk about Guilty Crown. Unfortunately, I haven't quite figured what this is all about.
Apparently some kind of guerilla group fight the established power in a post apocalyptic Japan that's suffering a very dangerous disease.
I'll admit it, I braced myself for the worst, in the summary it just sounded like so many things put together I never thought it would hold. In the end it's not as bad as I thought it would be, it barely holds but it does.
And I don't even know why I started my review by my general impression. Well, since I'm at it, it's not bad, not the best anime of the century but not that bad.
Ah and it was pretty too.
Now that I've stated the good, let me tell you what was bad about it.
Mainly, the multiple "influences" from everywhere. It wouldn't be a problem if they weren't so numerous.
The post apocalyptic setting has been done and redone (Evangelion for starters), the guerilla vs. established power is the same (the Gundam serie), the powerless main character who's in fact special is the basic setting of every shonen, Japan being "occupied" by a foreign country (Hello Code Geass), the protagonist being the singer of a popular band reminded me of Chaos;Head and the virus who's supposed to be named Lost Christmas according to the summaries I've read is totally from Bloody Monday.
It's so many elements thrown together that I fear it will crumble when they'll keep on adding more.
Sadly, I'm starting to have a hard time with Kaji Yuuki, his voice is a bit flat to voice a main character, not enough variations. (Main character who didn't interest me much either)
Oh well, should be entertaining enough and if worse comes to worse, I'll just shut my brain off.
One of the two Noitamina thing of the season, the first I've seen and, I'll tell you right now, my favorite. Only that Last Exile thing and Coppelion (if it still exists since we haven't uncovered the mystery yet)
So, what's Un-Go, with such a name you'd expect some futuristic thing about aliens and such. You're wrong, it's a mystery anime, set in the near future yes but without the aliens.
Or maybe (s)he's one?
Aside from the very annoying and a bit too innocent girl who probably will be a recuring character (even if I truly hope she won't) I have to say I quite like the characters.
The detective/assistant couple has been done and re-done, that one is rather classic in its execution, they're hiding their real relationship and get along rather well for a human/surnatural being couple. Aside from the little panda (for convenience I'll call that ... thing the little panda) the human is pretty generic and surrenders easily to politics, it's like he doesn't care at all for his reputation.
I can't help but wondering what their goal is because as things stand, they're not gaining anything from the mysteries.
I have to say that, so far, it is a nice mystery anime. Much better than what we've recently seen on screen. For once, even though the solution was obvious from the moment Rie fainted, it didn't bother me. They gave the viewer the elements to solve the mystery and then laid out the whole thinking process while examining fake solutions. It even put politics into the pictures.
I really liked that. When compared to other recent detective stuff, Gosick didn't show all the necessary elements to solve the mystery and KamiMemo showed them so much it was pissing me off whenever they couldn't seem to put things together, in that aspect Un-Go did a very good job.
The only problem I have had with that episode was the pace. I barely had the time to register it was starting that it was already finished. I hope they're going to fix that, it could have been a bit slower.
But I guess that's the sign I was bored so I should be happy?
I have hopes for that thing, mostly because it's adaptated from a novel, an already old novel, I'm not saying that what's old is superior, I just wanted to point out that since it's old and still remembered then there's something worthy of interest to it.
The only problem left now is how they'll adapt it because no matter how good or bad the original material is, an adaptation is only an adaptation.
Today is finally the day when Guilty Crown and Un-Go air. I was getting tired of waiting for the last shows to air before I could my wrap up post.
Still, does anyone know whether or not Coppelion is airing and when? I was actually quite interested in that but can't find any further info anywhere so ...
Another thing I was looking forward to this Fall season, unfortunately I've read the manga so it's a bit less interesting for me to watch.
So, Mirai Nikki tells the story of Yukiteru, a very normal young boy who's first and only hobby is to observe everything around him and note it in his phone diary. He doesn't have friend aside from the imaginary Deus Ex Machina who once grants him the power to see the future thanks to his diary.
Unfortunately things don't go exactly as planned.
The problem in this is simple : I have read the manga. I know exactly what will happen and how things will go from now on and everything.
It takes away the fun.
So I'm just going to tell you the story is fucked up but awesome and there are many more interesting characters to come.
I'll just concentrate on telling you what's nice with the anime.
- Norio Wakamoto makes everything awesome.
- They move and talk (but that goes without saying)
- Yuuno is ten times creepier in the anime.
However, there are things that are less pleasant.
- The atmosphere is less dark than it is in the manga (at least at this moment of the plot)
- It makes Yukiteru ten times less bearable.
The manga was awesome. I'm definitely continuing this.
No matter how many times I read or write it, I misread that title as "Vanishing Age" every. Single. Time.
It's the sign I miss Star Driver a bit too much.
Anyway, have the first impression post of Gundam AGE, the newest edition of the popular franchise.
The story is pretty much the same as always, a young boy and his Gundam are supposed to save the world!
Unfortunately for this edition (or fortunately because it can be damn confusing) it doesn't seem that the show has all the political implications the others had, for now things are clear, we know who're the good guys and we know who're the bad guys.
But since we're in a Gundam I can't help but wonder if everything is exactly as it seems.
I know it's supposed to be kids friendly and such (though I wonder when it airs exactly) but I'm pretty sure there's more to it than meets the eyes.
I'm not going to spend time talking about how unbelievable it all is that Flit is so much smarter than everyone (including the top military commanders), more skilled than everyone etc. He's just a bit too special.
At least in the other Gundams there was some kind of explanation as to why the pilots were chosen (in Wing the scientists just took the most skilled people they could find around and in 00 it was all Veda's calculations)
Well, Flit is chosen because he's the son of the last Gundam makers but I don't see how it's a valid reason and it definitely isn't a good lesson for children (I thought we said it was aimed at children)
I don't like the character design, nor the mecha design and, as far as seiyuu are concerned, the only very notable thing is how Flit is Toshii. I love Toshii! I'm glad he's finally in something I can watch again!
In the end, while something just isn't right with this anime I'm just going to turn off my brain and enjoy.
It's less boring than Seed and UC so ...
First edition of the now famous corner featuring the anime of the Fall season 2011. Man, time goes fast doesn't it?
It's nearly Barnaby's birthday Halloween too ...
As usual, beware of spoilers if you're not up to date with things!
As every day goes by we're getting closer and closer to the end of things I'm looking forward to.
The irony? The things I'm loiking forward to the most haven't even been released yet. I'm cursed.
Today, I've finally had the pleasure of being acquainted with Ben-To which I have dubbed as "Battle Royale in the supermarket" (pay attention it's not a combini ^^)
If you were looking for a more detailed summary I am afraid I won't be able to deliver. I still don't know what the hell I have just watched.
The anime opens on our unfortunate main character "dying" in the middle of the supermarket, his mistake? Trying to grab a half priced bento from the store.
What he didn't know however is that the half priced bento of that store are so famous (for some reason) that customers are putting their lives on the line for them.
The next events are quite blurry, well, not that there are more notable events, aside from his second (he ended up unconscious, still an improvement, he didn't need to go to the hospital again) and his third attempt, which he failed again.
As you imagine, main character is a weakling. He should be thankful to have big breasted girls around willing to teach him the in and outs of these daily battles.
In the end, while I still don't know what the hell I have watched it has good aspects.
- The megane girl is an awesome weirdo.
- Hiro Shimono is awesome. I could swear it really was Norio Wakamoto talking.
Going to continue this for sure. Even though I'm not that enthuisiastic.
It's quite thrilling to blog about an anime weekly. The main reason I usually never do it is because I never have anything interesting to say, on the other hand, Penguindrum does such horrible things to my brain that I need to write about it to sort it up.
I love that anime.
So, as expected, Himari is miraculously saved by Sanetoshi, apparently some kind of representative of Fate on Earth, or so I believe.
Obviously, he doesn't do it out of sheer kindness. Dayo ne~
Why saving Himari?
They said it was because the longer it lasts the funnier the punishment is. But, what if there's something else? Sanetoshi is quite a twisted character and he appeared twice so far, I'm not too sure I have quite grasped his character yet so everything I'm going to say is subject to caution.
- Himari is special. That much we know. Being the bride of Fate and all. If I was Sanetoshi I wouldn't want Fate to have a grudge against me. Definitely not.
- Boshi-sama is his lover. I've been saying countless time that they're probably of the same kind, given their eye color and eyelashes and such. He said he finally found someone of his kind. Himari got into the library, that other person did too.
Now, either he did something to her when he got rejected and somehow split her personnality into two hats, either there are more of their kind.
- He's just an asshole who likes playing with people. He's helping Natsume too after all.
Either way, Sanetoshi probably knows more than we thought.
The twins
Is it me or doesn't it seem like everything goes by pair?
See, Kanba and Shoma, the two Black Rabbits, the two idols, two hats.
I wonder if it has a deeper meaning or if it's just coincidence.
The apples
You probably noticed for quite some time now that the symbols are different.
And I have no idea what to make of it. So far, there have been 2 penguins symbols and Sanetoshi's, that makes it 3 symbols. There should be 3 organizations, 3 is too much, 3 doesn't work in that world, one of them has to disappear.
As usual, it doesn't make more sense than it did last week.
Finally another show that got me as excited as Fate/Zero (aside from the second seasons) While Boku ha Tomodachi ga Sukunai wasn't bad, it's not exciting, just entertaining.
Anyway, I've seen Persona 4 and I loved it.
Unfortunately I never played the game so the summary may be a bit off. Basically, a high school student has to transfer to a new city, he makes friends at school and at some point and for some reason they're attack by a strange entity and they're saved by said transfer student because he has the power to summon a Persona. Fear the power of glass!
To be honest I have lowered my expectations for everything to the lowest level possible, not to mention that I feared for something that was so hyped up I couldn't even access the website on the day of the annoucement.
I've been very pleasantly surprised.
Not having played the game I can't compare, all I can compare it to is to Persona - Trinity Soul, the first attempt at animating the franchise. Well, if you, like me, liked Trinity Soul you'll like Persona 4. The premises of the serie are the same, I wonder why they always feel to make one of the hero's family member a policeman.
Well, whatever.
I really liked the opening scene, it really did feel like you were playing a regular RPG, quite a nice idea, I heard they used the music from the original game too and the seiyuu kept their roles. (That means we're getting Daisuke Namikawa as the main character, I wondered for most of the serie why they chose him to voice such an apathetic character, but I understood at the end, it fits him perfectly)
Talking about the characters, well I have nothing to say, your regular high schoolers, quite surprised by Yu in the end though, thankfully.
For now it's easy to understand even if you're not familiar with the franchise, though it's obviously a bit better, if only to know what the Persona are exactly, not that it really matters.
To sum up my impressions : it was creepy. I loved it.
It's finally the middle of the week, the moment when there's nearly no anime broadcast or if there are they're re-runs. I'll complain again about my boredom next week I promise.
Until then, let's talk about Chihayafuru, another one that didn't make it to my initial watchlist but managed to catch me off guard.
It's the story of a high school girl, dubbed the "beauty in vain", because she's beautiful but kind of a klutz, add to that that her greatest passion is karuta, quite a rare card game and you'll get what that anime is about.
(On the other hand I understand the passion, I once played a game similar to karuta except with regular cards and it's quite entertaining and pulls you into it quite easily)
Another slice of life anime.
A josei on top of that. Not that I particulary mind, it's just that I'm afraid I'll get fed up of the genre real fast. What's with the slice of life trend to start with?
Anyway, I quite like the main character so far, she really kicks ass, and she already did as a child. We don't know much about the main two boys yet but I hope they'll be a bit interesting too.
Granted, the black haired one must be at least a bit, his goal is to become the world top karuta player. That's quite the original dream isn't it?
All in all not exciting but not bad either. Will probably continue to watch.
Seems that this season has quite its share of slice of life anime, the genre is growing on me it seems.
Tamayura Hitotose fits the genre perfectly, it's the story of a girl who lost her father, who loved photography. Her family and her move back to the father's hometown and the meantime she picks up photography using the same old camera her father used.
First, photography is one of my hobby and the reason why I picked this up in the first place. I like to hear why it is interesting for other people and why they like it, what they see in it and how they see their work.
I liked her vision of fixing happy memories in photographs. It's a very positive vision.
Second thing I liked in this is the theme of loss. I like to see how this very unhappy subject is treated in anime and other forms of entertainment that are supposed to be entertaining, not make the viewer feel down.
I find it cute, not very realistic but cute to see how the heroine follows on her father's footsteps.
(On the other hand if I had a friend like Chihiro, well, while her intentions are nice, I'd never ever be able to stand her)
I don't really have anything else to note except that I'll be looking forward to the next episodes. (Which seems to be quite a rare thing this season)
As you may have noticed I made a new banner, I don't even know where the hell I found time to devote to this but I did, as such, please enjoy this temporary Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Halloween themed banner.
I thought it fit quite well.
Back to the topic at hand, mainly the other Sunrise Saturday night anime Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon. You probably ask for a summary but I have no idea what the hell it is about. The official one reads that it's about a very modern Japan re-enacting Sengoku Jidai war for some reason having to do with manipulated history.
I might as well tell you now, I haven't understood a thing.
I can't even critique the plot, I haven't seen it, but there are lots of things I can critique.
- What the hell is this absolutley awful character design? The expressions are shitty, while the form of the body is OK (I've seen Clamp stuff before, I can deal with really strange body shapes) the heads are defying all logic, boobs, boobs everywhere and a total ignorance of male anatomy.
- Why do you guys censor some rather innocent and clothed breast fondling while displaying a totally naked man running around and claiming he's not suspicious (I'll admit I feel quite sad for said male since he lacks quite an important part)
Point is, it runs between 2am and 3am. Who cares about censorship at this hour?
- I'd say it has a good cast but they can't do miracles. Even if it's FukuJun.
- This is worse than Sacred Seven. I'll watch the second episode in case the plot develops enough for me to ignore, well, everything else.
If it doesn't interest me by then. Dropped.